Lennox Computer LILAC Business Software
8/14 Ashtan Place, BANYO 4014
Brisbane, Australia
ERP Business Accounting Software
Distribution, Manufacturing, Timber
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Phone: 0418 886 912
Est. 1980
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LILAC Accounting & Business Management Software - Enterprise Automation
LILAC is a high level business software suite integrating order processing, EDI, and physical business processes - distribution, manufacturing, and job costing - with a comprehensive, whole of enterprise accounting database.

Established in 1980, Lennox Computer provides phone, email, and site support across Australia.

• Remote Access
• Multi-Entity Operations
• WYSIWYG Document Interface
• Barcode Integration
• Large Scale Warehousing
• Production and Manufacturing
• Order Processing
• Single Touch Payroll
• Electronic Data Interchange


Accounting Periods
Distribution, Wholesale, Retail, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Construction & Contracting
LILAC is a broadly based commercial software package which provides business management modules in a fully integrated balancing double-entry accounting database. LILAC maintains an electronic document database for all required commercial and accounting transactions. It provides a comprehensive reporting system and audit trail, for accounts, stock, sales analysis, and other topics through to full financial results - Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Business Activity Statements (BAS), and Single Touch Payroll.
Transaction Based Data-Capture
All documents within LILAC allow the user to essentially operate in a form filling in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment. What you see on the monitor, is what you get when a document, i.e Tax Invoice, is printed, emailed, or stored. All transactions, such as purchases, sales, stock transfers, etc, are processed with a WYSIWYG document orientation, which means re-keying duplicate entry of data for multiple purposes is completely eliminated.
Windows Graphical User Interface
Very high quality document formatting is implemented with multiple fonts, text & graphics, line drawings, rendered 2D & 3D images, bit-mapped images. These are all available for the production of orders, invoices, statements, and reports.
Multi-Ledger Automation
Subsidiary ledgers such as debtors, creditors, stock, payroll, balance sheet and trading ledger are automatically posted in real-time as a natural consequence of the processing or creation of source documents such as invoices, credit notes, time costing, requisitions, etc. Profit or Loss & Balance Sheet reports are available in real-time as a direct consequence of transaction processing.
Simultaneous Multiple Accounting Period Operation
LILAC permits the simultaneous operation in many accounting periods and multiple financial years within the same database. Accounts staff may continue to operate in past periods for finalisation and revision purposes while sales staff proceed unhindered in later periods.
Unlimited Numbers of Companies
Within a single database as many individually balancing company (branch, subsidiary, dealer, etc) ledgers may be maintained with automatic real-time "loan account" posting generated by the software to reflect inter-company transactions. "Head-office" debtors & creditors provided at multiple levels if required.
30 years of field operation
LILAC is a technologically advance product, designed for the latest windows user interfaces, modern local and wide area networking (LAN & WAN), with a proven track record of real world commercial users.
Visual Presentation Language
LILAC can be tailored to suit any business. Front end visual presentation allows the tailoring of document and report formats without compromising the robustness or security of the underlying data-base and audit structures.
LILAC Business Software - Demonstration Guide
LILAC is a business accounting software platform which incorporates a number of functions into a single integrated suite of modules.

Barcode and Label Printing
Barcode Scanning

Warehouse Manager
Despatch Manager

Electronic Data Interchange

Purchase Order
Goods Received
Purchase Invoice

Sales Order
Work Order / Picking Slip
Tax Invoice


Point of Sales

eMail Integration
Microsoft Integration
Bill of Materials (BoM)
Work In Progress

Single Touch Payroll
Client Server Structure
LILAC uses a Client/Server structure. The "Server Program" on the "Server Computer" accesses and manages database files. Connections are accepted from your "Client Computers" located anywhere on your local network. This organisation protects the database files from damage by external computers, and provides a very secure, natural "fire-wall" effect.
WYSIWYG Document Interface
LILAC implements a "What You See Is What You Get" document interface for users and operators of the software.

This means images presented on the screen for a wide range of accounting, business, and technical features, appear as electronic images of paper documents, allowing the operator to work with a very natural and intuitive "form filling-in" regime.
An example of an on-screen document which prints as 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG)
Most LILAC documents are organised in A4 Landscape orientation. This allows multiple column presentations to be laid out legibly. Colour coding is used to indicate the data entry capabilities of a document to the operator on a field by field basis.
Open Ended Database
LILAC implements a completely general open-ended transaction history for all accounts in the database. This includes customer, supplier, product, employee, job, trading accounts, balance sheet accounts, etc.

The database may be allowed to grow providing the ability to perform sophisticated analysis of sales, purchases and other activities in full detail on a wide range of combinations: by product, by customer, by supplier, by group, by territory, etc.
Accounting Database
Integrated accounting, 'integrated', in this sense, means that the natural processing of business transactions as WYSIWYG documents in LILAC results in the creation of the correct debits and credits in a balancing "double-entry" accounting system, with nil effort by the operator.

LILAC maintains a comprehensive set of accounts reflecting the accounting implications of multitudinous business activities - sales, purchasing, stock, costing, assets, liabilities, payroll, time-costing, loans, accruals, provisions, etc.

Transactions are added to the appropriate accounts dynamically in real-time. This means that up-to-the-minute financial reports, including Profit or Loss & Balance Sheet are instantly available as a result of normal day-to-day business transaction processing.
Three Phase Purchase Order Sequencing
Purchase Order >> Goods Received >> Purchase Invoice
Three Phase Sale Order Sequencing
Sales Order >> Work Order >> Tax Invoice
Documents are stored and retrievable. Documents are printed and emailed as the appear on the monitor.
Multi Entity Operations
LILAC provides support for a virtually unlimited number of different trading, or accounting entities nested in a single head office database. For example, within AA Head Office (AAHO), may nest AABR, AASY, AAMB, AAPT, etc.

Each entity may represent a branch, a company, a department, a warehouse or whatever is needed. The crucial point is that each entity has its own balancing set of debits and credits and can produce stock, sales, P & L, Balance sheet reports, individually, when required.

Often subsidiary entities are only required for trading purposes and most balance sheet accounts are held in a "Head Office" ledger. LILAC automates this permitting invoicing and related operations in the subsidiary ledger with debtors, creditors and loan accounts automatically adjusted to the head office ledger.
Debtor & Creditor Documents
Stock Account
Warehouse Control
Manufacturing Control
Warehouse manager provides control and stock tracking in large warehouse situations. Scanners communicate barcode information in real-time with the LILAC database. Products are received into warehouse locations, moved from location to location, utilised/sold, and despatched outbound by scanning barcodes, providing real-time visibility of product status through LILAC connections.

Standard LILAC software allows the user to instantly generate barcodes containing product and invoice information for individual products, cartons (containing multiple products), and pallets carrying mixed loads of cartons and products.
Through closed loop barcode scanning (and manual data entry), consistent maunfacturing processes can be achieved, and chain of custody data is captured.

Plan, Track, Measure, and Display

• Scheduling
• Material Use
• Production at Staged Manufacturing Work Centres
• Status
• Inventory
• Freight
• Records and Detailed Reporting

Manufacturing control operates in conjunction with Sales Order Processing and Accounts, providing whole of enterprise management.
Single Touch Payroll
LILAC Payroll implements Single Touch Payroll reporting requirements to correctly forwards employee tax and super information to the ATO.

The Pay Slip plays the dual role of employee data entry and periodical pay slip. This ensures routine cross-checking and validation of employee data as part of the repetitive pay cycle.

Most users maintain one to five years of full detail in the Payroll Ledger to ensure financial detail is available for reporting and analysis purposes.

LILAC Payroll is immediately available as a stand alone business payroll system, or is included as part of LILAC ERP Business Accounting Software.
LILAC Debtors Ledger
The Debtors Ledger (or Accounts Receivable) is an integrated accounting ledger tracking money owed to the business by customers who purchase goods or services.

Generally, debits are generated by Sales Order Processing and Invoicing. The Debtor Account is used to establish and edit data associated with individual debtors.

Sales Order Processing, Invoicing, Debtor Receipt, and Debtor Statement documents interface with the Debtors Ledger to provide full finanacial management handling very large volume transactions and intergrated eCommerce sales.

Specific fields within individual Debtor Accounts determine:
• Terms (Ageing)
• Credit Limits
• Discount & Price Selection
• Invoicing Options
• Head Office and Branch Accounts
• Categorisation

Real-time postings are added to an indefinite debtor transaction history, generating an extensive database allowing tracking, analysis, and reporting.

LILAC Creditors Ledger
The Creditors Ledger (or Accounts Payable) is the accounting ledger tracking money owed by the business to suppliers of goods and services on credit accounts, and who receive payments according to an agreed ageing of debts.

The Creditors Ledger is an integrated part of LILAC. Most credits are created by the operation of other parts of the software, ie procurement and purchasing order processing.

LILAC Creditors are implemented as an "open-item" regimen rather than a "balance forward" style. This means that the software tracks details of any unpaid or partly paid items (usually invoices), until such time as they are fully paid. 

The debit entires balancing the credits to the Creditors Ledger may be directed and dissected into any part of the LILAC balancing suite of Ledgers. The Creditors Posting document captures items (invoices from suppliers) for expenditure not processed through the Purchasing module.
Names & Addresses & Mailing Lists
The LILAC Creditors Ledger utilises a standard, general approach to the handling of names & addresses within the LILAC database. That is to say, the name & address used for a creditor has a separate existence in the database and may be utilised in other modules such as mailing, debtors, delivery location, etc.
Cheques, Remittances, and Electronic Funds
Payment selection can be fully automated using the 'Suggest' and 'Apply' function in the Creditor Payment document.

Suppliers who provide banking details may be paid electronically via the Australian banks, ABA Electronic Funds Transfer system.

Lennox Computer - 07 3267 7880
Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
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