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LILAC Document Help
Reports > Inventory > Price Adjust
The purpose of this report is to edit (change) Costs or Selling Prices in the Stock Account.
An example is shown on the following pages, adjusting the Standard and Current Cost of all 4 Product Codes in the Group CABLES.
In the example Standard and Current Cost are Adjusted by 10%, in this example the Selling Price will automatically adjust as too, as a 100% Mark Up is in place in the Stock Account
Within the report a drop down menu allows selections.

The OK button progesses to a review stage, after which a second OK will commit the changes to the Stock Account, potentially across thousandas of Product Codes within the Stock Account.
Before the final commit, the Cancel button can be used to abort.
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Reports > Inventory > Price Adjust
In most cases Current and Standard Cost would be set to be the same.
Example Continiued
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Reports > Inventory > Price Adjust
In most cases Current and Standard Cost would be set to be the same.
Example Continued
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Reports > Inventory > Price Adjust
In the example Standard and Current Cost are now adjusted by 10%.
The Selling Price in the Stock Account has automatically adjust as too, as a 100% Mark Up is in place