Reports draw on information from the database. Reports are listed alphabetically through the Reports menu.
The progressive refining of parameters enables the consise presentation of database information.
1. Select and Run a Report
Select a report, click the Report button to run the report.
Reports can be run, interrupted, and closed at any time with no impact.
2. Refining Parameters
Parameters can be refined progessively to display the concise information required.
To report from all parameters - blank both the 'From' and 'To' Fields.
To report from a single parameter only - make a selection in the 'From' Field, and leave the 'To' or lower Field blank.
To report between parameters - select the inclusive parameters.
- Year and Month. E.g. YYYYMM
- Creditor
- Debtor
- Product/Stock
- Product Group
- Freight Carrier
- Accounts are nested within the Legder
- Accumulated documents from multimple sources
- Filter by Document (Sales Order, Invoice, etc.) Reference Number
- Show more detail
- Show Items with zero balances
Using ? in a Dark Blue parameter - as in this example - will display all Batches begining PY070 - and which contain any 3 subseqent characters - as are drawn out by the (3) ??? entered.
A second example is provided.
3. Converting to Excel, PDF, print, or email
Using the Toolbar - reports can be instantly converted to Excel, PDF, printed, or emailed.
4. Drilling down within a Report
'Drill Down' capabilities enable the user to view an entire document linked to a single line of a report. Click on a line highlighted in yellow to view the associated document.
5. Find a alpha-numeric value within a Report
Use the Find Tool to search for text within a Report. In this case '500'. Sales, Names Invoice Numbers, etc, can be searched for in the same way.
6. Batch Codes, Prefix, and Document Type
Batch Codes
Period, Prefix, Computer (00), Pad (Space), Day (Of Month)