LILAC Document Help
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Documents Menu
The Documents menu is arranged alphabetically, in a tree structure.
Yellow Fields
- Simple Data Entry
Dark Blue (Key) Fields
- Right mouse click to select from an existing list of keys.
- Dark Blue (Key) fields are generally editable allowing alteration or the creation of a new key.
Light Blue (Key) Fields - with referential integrity
- Right mouse click or F12 will allow selection only.
- Data listed in a light blue field is defined at another location. For example, COMPONENTS, displayed in the Group field below, has been previously established at: Documents > Parameters > Groups > Product Groups
White Fields
- Not accessable or editable. Data in white fields is a result of transaction processing.
Right click mouse in a blue field will open a selection table.
F12 in a blue field will open the same selection table.
All documents are editable WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) pages. This allows the user to operate in a natural 'form filling in environment'. Printed and emailed documents are as they appear on screen.
Place the mouse/cursor at the begining of the field and strike Space-bar to clear a field.
To delete a field (permanently), click the 'Delete' button from the ribbon with the mouse/cursor in the field to be deleted. Deleteing the first field within a document, ie, the Product Code as seen above, will result in all the fields on the page deleted.