Lennox Computer LILAC Business Software
8/14 Ashtan Place, BANYO 4014
Brisbane, Australia
ERP Business Accounting Software
Distribution, Manufacturing, Timber
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Est. 1980
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LILAC Job Costing - WIP Accounting and Contract Management
Job costing is a crucial accounting activity for construction and contracting enterprises.

LILAC manages construction, contracting, payroll, and WIP activities in one accounting database.

• Estimates
• Quotes
• Budgets
• Actual Cost

Automate or Oversee
• Procurement
• Payroll
• Warehousing/Item Tracking
• Asset Management

• Barcode Scanning
• Mobile Devices
• Custom Additions

LILAC Job Costing Software
LILAC Software provides extensive abilities to record labour, materials, sub-contract, plant hire and diverse additional costs against job numbers, and cost items within job accounts.

LILAC Job Costing Software goes much further than simple job costing for more sophisticated contracting enterprises, with full Contract Administration, Progress Claim Generation & Tracking, Budget Comparison, Job Profitability, Work-in-Progress accounting with accrual, Profit and Loss, and Balance Sheet reporting.
The LILAC Construction and Contracting module is not an isolated application. Potentially it can be combined with any and all the other extensive features of the LILAC package such as Inventory & Stock Control, Labour Hire Invoicing, Plant Hire, Production & Manufacturing Accounting.

These capabilities together with LILACs strong multi-entity accounting and consolidation features make an excellent fit for enterprises with multiple divisions and disparate operations.
LILAC is a powerful "double-entry" accounting system. In contrast to how it sounds this means that the operator enters transactions once. The software applies necessary postings, twice (or more), to achieve all the required aspects of the transaction without any re-keying or reprocessing.

This means that job-cost analysis can be captured as the "other-side" of the entries processed to the Creditors Ledger for suppliers and sub-contractor accounts, to the Payroll Ledger for employee labour costing, and to the Inventory Ledger for material an parts usage.

A job cost accounting system which is driven by the natural processing of essential accounting source documents such as supplier invoices and employee time cards is a minimum effort costing system with almost no reprocessing of data.
Gain an insight report analysis. Subtle changes and refinements are made possible through altering the Report Parameters - Job, Date, Legder, Account, Batch, Document, etc.
Documents and Reports
Flexibility exists both within the layout, and contents of a report.
Specific or required reports are easily generated.
Drilling down within a Report
'Drill Down' capabilities enable the user to view an entire document linked to a single line of a report.
Click on a line highlighted in yellow to view the associated document.
Find a alpha-numeric value within a Report
Use the Find Tool to search for specific text within a Report.
Names, Invoice Numbers, etc, can be searched for in this way.
Converting to Excel, PDF, print, or email
Using the Toolbar - reports can be instantly converted to Excel, PDF, printed, or emailed.
Lennox Computer - 07 3267 7880
Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
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